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Which statements are true regarding the usage of the WITH clause in complex correlated subqueries? (Choose all that apply.)
A. It can be used only with the SELECT clause.
B. The WITH clause can hold more than one query.
C. If the query block name and the table name were the same, then the table name would take precedence.
D. The query name in the WITH clause is visible to other query blocks in the WITH clause as well as to the main query block.

Correct Answer: ABD
OE and SCOTT are the users in the database. The ORDERS table is owned by OE. Evaluate the
statements issued by the DBA in the following sequence:

GRANT r1 TO scott;
GRANT SELECT ON oe. orders TO scott;
REVOKE SELECT ON oe.orders FROM scott;

What would be the outcome after executing the statements?

A. SCOTT would be able to query the OE.ORDERS table.
B. SCOTT would not be able to query the OE.ORDERS table.
C. The REVOKE statement would remove the SELECT privilege from SCOTT as well as from the role R1.
D. The REVOKE statement would give an error because the SELECT privilege has been granted to the role R1

Correct Answer: A
Which statements are true? (Choose all that apply.)
A. The data dictionary is created and maintained by the database administrator.
B. The data dictionary views can consist of joins of dictionary base tables and user-defined tables.
C. The usernames of all the users including the database administrators are stored in the data dictionary.
D. The USER_CONS_COLUMNS view should be queried to find the names of the columns to which a constraint applies.
E. Both USER_ODBJECTS and CAT views provide the same information about all the objects that are owned by the user.
F. Views with the same name but different prefixes, such as DBA, ALL and USER, use the same base tables from the data dictionary

Correct Answer: CDF
Which three statements are true? (Choose three.)
A. Only one LONG column can be used per table.
B. ATIMESTAMP data type column stores only time values with fractional seconds.
C. The BLOB data type column is used to store binary data in an operating system file.
D. The minimum column width that can be specified for a varchar2 data type column is one.
E. The value for a CHAR data type column is blank-padded to the maximum defined column width.
Correct Answer: ADE
Which statement best describes the GROUPING function?
A. It is used to set the order for the groups to be used for calculating the grand totals and subtotals.
B. It is used to form various groups to calculate total and subtotals created using ROLLUP and CUBE operators.
C. It is used to identify if the NULL value in an expression is a stored NULL value or created by ROLLUP or CUBE.
D. It is used to specify the concatenated group expressions to be used for calculating the grand totals and subtotals.
Correct Answer: C
View the Exhibit and examine the description of the DEPARTMENTS and EMPLOYEES tables.

To retrieve data for all the employees for their EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME, and DEPARTMENT NAME,
the following SQL statement was written:

SELECT employee_id, first_name, department_name
FROM employees NATURAL JOIN departments;
The desired output is not obtained after executing the above SQL statement. What could be the reason for

A. The NATURAL JOIN clause is missing the USING clause.
B. The table prefix is missing for the column names in the SELECT clause.
C. The DEPARTMENTS table is not used before the EMPLOYEES table in the FROM clause.
D. The EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables have more than one column with the same column name and data type.

Correct Answer: D
View the Exhibit and examine the structure of EMPLOYEES and JOB_HISTORY tables. The EMPLOYEES table maintains the most recent information regarding salary, department, and job for all the employees. The JOB_HISTORY table maintains the record for all the job changes for the employees. You want to delete all the records from the JOB_HISTORY table that are repeated in the EMPLOYEES table.

Which two SQL statements can you execute to accomplish the task? (Choose two.)
A. DELETEFROM job_history jWHERE employee_id =(SELECT employee_idFROM employees eWHERE j.employee_id = e.employee_id)AND job_id = (SELECT job_idFROM employees eWHERE j.job_id = e.job_id);
B. DELETEFROM job_history jWHERE (employee_id, job_id) = ALL(SELECT employee_id, job_idFROM employees eWHERE j.employee_id = e.employee_id and j.job_id = e.job_id)
C. DELETEFROM job_history jWHERE employee_id =(SELECT employee_idFROM employees eWHERE j.employee_id = e.employee_id and j.job_id = e.job_id)
D. DELETEFROM job_history jWHERE (employee_id, job_id) =(SELECT employee_id, job_idFROM employees eWHERE j.employee_id = e.employee_id and j.job_id = e.job_id)

Correct Answer: AD
View the Exhibit and examine PRODUCTS and ORDER_ITEMS tables.
You executed the following query to display PRODUCT_NAME and the number of times the product has been ordered:
SELECT p.product_name, i.item_cnt FROM (SELECT product_id, COUNT (*) item_cnt FROM order_items GROUP BY product_id) i RIGHT OUTER JOIN products p ON i.product_id = p.product_id;

What would happen when the above statement is executed?
A. The statement would execute successfully to produce the required output.
B. The statement would not execute because inline views and outer joins cannot be used together.
C. The statement would not execute because the ITEM_CNT alias cannot be displayed in the outer query.
D. The statement would not execute because the GROUP BY clause cannot be used in the inline view.

Correct Answer: A
View the Exhibit and examine the description of the EMPLOYEES table.
You want to display the EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME, and DEPARTMENT_ID for all the employees who work in the same department and have the same manager as that of the employee having EMPLOYEE_ID
104. To accomplish the task, you execute the following SQL statement:
SELECT employee_id, first_name, department_id FROM employees WHERE (manager_id, department_id) =(SELECT department_id, manager_id FROM employees WHERE employee_id = 104) AND employee_id <> 104; When you execute the statement it does not produce the desired output. What is the reason for this?

A. The WHERE clause condition in the main query is using the = comparison operator, instead of EXISTS.
B. The WHERE clause condition in the main query is using the = comparison operator, instead of the IN operator.
C. The WHERE clause condition in the main query is using the = comparison operator, instead of the = ANY operator.
D. The columns in the WHERE clause condition of the main query and the columns selected in the subquery should be in the same order.

Correct Answer: D
View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the EMP table.

You executed the following command to add a primary key to the EMP table:
USING INDEX emp_id_idx;
Which statement is true regarding the effect of the command?
A. The PRIMARY KEY is created along with a new index.
B. The PRIMARY KEY is created and it would use an existing unique index.
C. The PRIMARY KEY would be created in a disabled state because it is using an existing index.
D. The statement produces an error because the USING clause is permitted only in the CREATE TABLE command.

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 99
View the Exhibitl and examine the descriptions of the EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables.

The following SQL statement was executed:
SELECT e.department_id, e.job_id, d.location_id, sum(e.salary) total, GROUPING(e.department_id)
GROUPING(d. location_id) GRP_LOC
FROM employees e JOIN departments d
ON e.department_id = d.department_id
GROUP BY ROLLUP (e.department_id, e.job_id, d.location_id); View the Exhibit2 and examine the output
of the command.
Which two statements are true regarding the output? (Choose two.)
A. The value 1 in GRP_LOC means that the LOCATION_ID column is taken into account to generate the
B. The value 1 in GRP_JOB and GRP_LOC means that JOB_ID and LOCATION_ID columns are not taken into account to generate the subtotal.
C. The value 1 in GRP_JOB and GRP_LOC means that the NULL value in JOB_ID and LOCATIONJD columns are taken into account to generate the subtotal.
D. The value 0 in GRP_DEPT, GRPJOB, and GRP_LOC means that DEPARTMENT_ID, JOB_ID, and LOCATION_ID columns are taken into account to generate the subtotal

Correct Answer: BD
Which statements are correct regarding indexes? (Choose all that apply.)
A. When a table is dropped, the corresponding indexes are automatically dropped.
B. For each DML operation performed, the corresponding indexes are automatically updated.
C. Indexes should be created on columns that are frequently referenced as part of an expression.
D. A non-deferrable PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE KEY constraint in a table automatically creates a unique index.

Correct Answer: ABD
View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the ORD table.

Evaluate the following SQL statements that are executed in a user session in the specified order:

SELECT ord_seq.nextval FROM dual;
VALUES (ord_seq.CURRVAL, 25-jan-2007′,101);
SET ord_no= ord_seq.NEXTVAL
WHERE cust_id =101;

What would be the outcome of the above statements?

A. All the statements would execute successfully and the ORD_NO column would contain the value 2 for the CUSTJD 101.
B. The CREATE SEQUENCE command would not execute because the minimum value and maximum value for the sequence have not been specified.
C. The CREATE SEQUENCE command would not execute because the starting value of the sequence and the increment value have not been specified.
D. All the statements would execute successfully and the ORD_NO column would have the value 20 for the CUST_ID 101 because the default CACHE value is 20.

Correct Answer: A
View the Exhibit and examine the description of the ORDERS table. Which two WHERE clause conditions demonstrate the correct usage of conversion functions? (Choose two.)

A. WHERE order_date > TO_DATE(‘JUL 10 2006’,’MON DD YYYY)
B. WHERE TO_CHAR(order_date,’MON DD YYYY) = ‘JAN 20 2003’
D. WHERE order_date IN (TO_DATE(‘Oct 21 2003’,’Mon DD YYYY”), TO_CHAR(‘NOV 21 2003′,’Mon DD YYYY”))

Correct Answer: AB
View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table.
You want to display all employees and their managers having 100 as the MANAGER_ID. You want the output in two columns: the first column would have the LAST_NAME of the managers and the second column would have LAST_NAME of the employees.

Which SQL statement would you execute?
A. SELECT m.last_name “Manager”, e.last_name “Employee” FROM employees m JOIN employees eON m.employee_id = e.manager_id WHERE m.manager_id=100;
B. SELECT m.last_name “Manager”, e.last_name “Employee” FROM employees m JOIN employees eON m.employee_id = e.manager_id WHERE e.managerjd=100;
C. SELECT m.last_name “Manager”, e.last_name “Employee” FROM employees m JOIN employees eON e.employee_id = m.manager_id WHERE m.manager_id=100;
D. SELECT m.last_name “Manager”, e.last_name “Employee” FROM employees m JOIN employees eWHERE m.employee_id = e.manager_id AND e.managerjd=100;

Correct Answer: B QUESTION 104
Which two statements are true about the GROUPING function? (Choose two.)
A. It is used to find the groups forming the subtotal in a row.
B. It is used to identify the NULL value in the aggregate functions.
C. It is used to form the group sets involved in generating the totals and subtotals.
D. It can only be used with ROLLUP and CUBE operators specified in the GROUP BY clause.

Correct Answer: AD QUESTION 105
View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table.

Evaluate the following SQL statement:
SELECT employee_id, last_name, job_id, manager_id FROM employees START WITH employee_id = 101 CONNECT BY PRIOR employee_id=manager_id;
Which statement is true regarding the output for this command?
A. It would return a hierarchical output starting with the employee whose EMPLOYEE_ID is 101, followed by his or her peers.
B. It would return a hierarchical output starting with the employee whose EMPLOYEE_ID is 101, followed by the employee to whom he or she reports.
C. It would return a hierarchical output starting with the employee whose EMPLOYEE_ID is 101, followed by employees below him or her in the hierarchy.
D. It would return a hierarchical output starting with the employee whose EMPLOYEE_ID is101, followed by employees up to one level below him or her in the hierarchy.
Correct Answer: C
View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the CUST table.

Evaluate the following SQL statements executed in the given order:
INSERT INTO cust VALUES (1,’LATA’); –row 3 INSERT INTO cust VALUES (2,’KING’); –row 4 COMMIT;
Which rows would be made permanent in the CUST table?
A. row 4 only
B. rows 2 and 4
C. rows 3 and 4
D. rows 1 and 4

Correct Answer: C QUESTION 107
View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES and JOB_HISTORY tables.

The query should display the employee IDs of all the employees who have held the job SA_MAN at any
time during their tenure.
Choose the correct SET operator to fill in the blank space and complete the following query.

SELECT employee_id
FROM employees
WHERE job_id = ‘SA_MAN’

SELECT employee_id FROMjob_history WHERE job_id=’SA_MAN’
Correct Answer: AD QUESTION 108
View the Exhibit and examine the details for the CATEGORIES_TAB table.

Evaluate the following incomplete SQL statement:
SELECT category_name ,category_description FROM categories_tab You want to display only the rows that have ‘harddisks’ as part of the string in the CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION column.
Which two WHERE clause options can give you the desired result? (Choose two.)
A. WHERE REGEXP_LIKE (category_description, ‘hard+.s’);
B. WHERE REGEXP_LIKE (category_description, `^H|hard+.s’);
C. WHERE REGEXP_LIKE (category_description, ‘^H|hard+.s$’);
D. WHERE REGEXP_LIKE (category_description, ‘[^Hlhard+.s]’);
Correct Answer: AB QUESTION 109
View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the LOCATIONS and DEPARTMENTS tables.

Which SET operator should be used in the blank space in the following SQL statement to display the cities that have departments located in them?
SELECT location_id, city FROM locations
SELECT location_id, city FROM locations JOIN departments USING(location_id);

Correct Answer: C
View the Exhibit and examine the structure of ORDERS and ORDER_ITEMS tables. ORDER__ID is the primary key in the ORDERS table. It is also the foreign key in the ORDER_ITEMS table wherein it is created with the ON DELETE CASCADE option. Citrix 1Y0-A22 practice tests hold the key importance and provide a considerable gain for your knowledge base. You can rely on our products with unwavering confidence; Get the profound knowledge and become a pro with assistance.

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